She has arrived!
Well...sort of.
Ever since my last post, I took some well-needed time to recenter myself and focus on my goals.
A couple of things happened to me in the last few months that changed my life DRASTICALLY!
For starters...
I completed an internship with MSNBC (my dream internship)!!!!
Shortly after my internship, I started stressing over graduation, life, my future, EVERYTHING.
Signed my contract for my very first big girl job!!!!
Then, BOOM! Graduation came and went ...and there I was, moving across the country to pursue my career as a journalist.
Moved into my first apartment (after my rent, I'm basically broke).
And now I'm here, talking to you all 1 month into "adulting".
I plan to document my struggles and times where I look like I have it all together because I believe my journey can help someone out there that's wondering what it looks like to be in my position.
If you've read this far, you're a real one.
Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. I can't wait to see what's next!
"Whatever you choose to do in life, do it well & do it wholeheartedly" - Tatiana M. Battle